6 Months with Annie

Annie Jean Everett is six. months. old. It happened in the blink of an eye!

Annie, sweet Annie. What a blessing she is to our family. It feels like just yesterday we were expecting her arrival... and now, here we are. Since September 1st, we've had our share of newborn challenges, as all parents do -- like all nighters, big toddler feelings, and lots of tears (from both me and Annie). And yet, this season of life has been so precious to me. Thank you, God!

Here is a little bit about our Annie:

She has grown accustomed to a morning routine of waking up, nursing in our bed, and then laying in between her dad and I as we sip our coffee before big sister wakes up and the day begins.

Her baby sighs melt me, every single time.

She is such an observer! She joyfully bounces in her seat during dinnertime, eyes fixed on Holly for the entire meal.

She loves her tummy.

She has gotten to experience so much in just six months of life: dining out, attending gatherings and celebrations, going to church, shopping downtown, and more.

She adores her sister. One of my favorite things is when Holly tears into Annie's nursery to help wake her up from her nap... and Annie grins big in her crib.

Annie, you are adored. Happy half birthday, my darling daughter.




2022: Year in Review