M&Co. Buyer Center » Going Under Contract » Conducting the Inspection

Conducting the Inspection

Per the contract, you will hire a licensed inspector to come to the property and conduct a visual inspection. They will mainly be concerned with safety issues, but they will also be able to tell you the age of mechanicals, appliances, etc. As a homeowner, this is all helpful info for you to know!

Inspection Overview

Selecting an Inspector

There are many local inspection companies to choose from, so do research and read reviews to learn more! If you would like a recommendation, many of our clients use First Choice Inspectors.

Your cost depends on the inspection company and the home’s size. You can ask for an estimate when booking. 


You have 5 business days from your executed contract to conduct the inspection, since inspection runs concurrently with the attorney review period of 5 business days. We recommend doing it ASAP (toward the beginning of the 5-day period) if you want to make any follow-up appointments with specialists. 

Your Transaction Coordinator will handle scheduling, as it needs to be coordinated with the seller’s side. If at all possible, flexibility is appreciated so that we can get the inspection scheduled quickly!

Additional Testing

Radon, mold, sewer scope & fireplace inspection are common tests that are available. Below, you’ll find more information on when those tests might make sense for your unique situation.

If at all possible, we will try to schedule these additional tests for the date of the main inspection. You’ll want to let your Transaction Coordinator know ASAP if you are interested in one or more of these tests.

Conducting the Inspection

Your agent, you, & the inspector will attend the inspection. The seller’s agent may also be present for the inspection. It is customary for the sellers to leave during this time.

The length of your inspection depends on the size of your home, but we usually budget about 1-2 hours for condos and about 2-3 hours for single-family homes. 

Per the contract, the seller must ensure all utilities (gas/electric) are on for inspection. Your Transaction Coordinator will coordinate with the seller’s agent to ensure they are on! 

Inspection Report

After the inspection, the inspection company will send you a detailed report with the findings. Please share this with your agent! Your agent will then draft up a recommendation of questions, repairs, and credits, based on opinion and experience.

Once you review and make any changes/additions, you will send your requests to your attorney, & your attorney will draft an attorney modification letter to the seller’s agent. You can read more about negotiating inspection repairs here.

Add-On Inspections

There are 4 common add-on inspections: radon, mold, sewer scope & fireplace. Please discuss with your agent to see what makes sense for your home, and check with your inspection company on what they offer!


What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that forms naturally. You can be exposed to radon from breathing radon in air that comes through cracks and gaps in buildings and homes. If you live in a home with high radon levels, you increase your risk of developing lung cancer. 

What is the process to test for radon? Your inspector will seal the doors and windows in your home. They will place a radon monitor in your home. After ~48 hours, the inspector will collect the radon monitor and provide you with the readings. 

When should I add radon testing? It is recommended to do radon testing if your home has rooms below the ground – such as a garden unit, a duplex down, or a basement.

What happens if radon is found? Your inspector can recommend a mitigation plan. The most common method is to have a vent pipe system and fan installed, which pulls radon from beneath the house and vents it to the outside.


What is mold? Mold is a natural part of the environment and can be found almost anywhere that moisture and oxygen are present. Mold will grow in places with a lot of moisture, particularly around leaks or where there has been flooding. Some people are more sensitive to molds, such as those with allergies to molds or those with asthma. 

What is the process to test for mold? Your inspector will take 2-3 samples of mold in the home, and bring it back to the lab. 

When should I add mold testing? It is recommended that you do it if there are signs of mold in the home or if you are especially sensitive to mold. 

What happens if mold is found? Your inspector can recommend a mitigation plan. Typically, you will repair the issue that caused the mold, replace any materials in the surrounding area, disinfect and then dry the area.

Note: We recommend that you add mold testing during the inspection instead of adding it during scheduling! Our inspector always brings his mold testing kit and is ready to test if there are signs of mold. This helps avoid any unnecessary testing and fees!

Sewer Scope

What is a sewer scope? A sewer scope looks for any flaws, imperfections, or serious problems with your home’s drainpipe, sewer lines, and other underground pipes. 

What is the process for a sewer scope? Your inspector will use a video attached to a snake-like cable to examine the home’s sewer line. 

When should I add a sewer scope? If you are purchasing a home with a plumbing stack (typically in a single-family home, a garden unit, or a duplex down condo), we recommend having a sewer scope done. If you are purchasing a condo, the sewer line is typically the homeowner association’s responsibility. However, if your specific unit would be affected by sewer back-up, it may be beneficial to add! 

What happens if issues are found? Your inspector can recommend a mitigation plan. This can vary widely depending on the issues that are found.


What is a fireplace inspection? A chimney inspector will inspect your flue, vents & chimney masonry to ensure that everything is in working order. 

When should I add a fireplace inspection? If you are purchasing a single-family home with a fireplace, we recommend a fireplace inspection to ensure that the fireplace can be used safely. This is typically not needed for condos!

What happens if issues are found? Your inspector can recommend a mitigation plan. This can vary widely depending on the issues that are found.

Note: We recommend that you wait until the inspection before scheduling an additional fireplace inspection. Our inspector will visually inspect the fireplace and can advise if a specialist is needed.

Here’s what we recommend for:

  • A standard condo: Standard inspection

  • A garden unit condo: Standard inspection + radon

  • A duplex-down condo: Standard inspection + radon + sewer scope

  • A townhome: Standard inspection + radon + sewer scope

  • A single-family home: Standard inspection + radon + sewer scope

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will still have a licensed inspector conduct an inspection so that you are aware of any safety concerns. 

    However, with your contract’s “as-is” condition, you won’t be requesting any repairs or credits from the seller. You can still terminate your contract during the attorney review period if you have changed your mind based on the inspection.

  • If you are out-of-state, your agent can attend the inspection on your behalf and FaceTime you in, but we recommend being present if at all possible. If you would like, you can have a friend or family member attend the inspection in your place.

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