M&Co. Seller Center » Hitting the Market » Preparing for the Open House & Showings
Preparing for the Open House & Showings
First impressions are everything, & our desire at M&Co. is for your home to make a lasting impression on buyers from the moment they arrive.
We recommend running through these quick steps before each & every showing, before inspection, & any other buyer visits!
Wipe down & clear countertops, remove fridge magnets & personal items, & put all dishes away. Don't forget to rinse down the sink!
Clear countertops, remove shower items, Windex mirrors, hide medication, & rinse down the sink.
Make the beds & clear off dressers & nightstands. Be sure to put any laundry away!
Living Space
Fluff the pillows & hide any remotes. Stash any kid or pet toys & items!
Throughout Your Home
Vacuum & mop floors, open the blinds, dust, & hide any valuables.
Extra Credit
Style shelves & side tables, put out fresh flowers or colorful fruit, & light a candle.
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