Chicago Girls Who Walk x SYWTBAC
I wish we could do it all over again!
Two weeks ago, we had the great opportunity to teach our signature homebuying course with a group from Chicago Girls Who Walk. CGWW is a walking club! It’s all about making friends, learning new things, and enjoying the city. On September 30th, participants met up for a walk on the 606, and then they made their way to The Robey in Wicker Park. The yellow balloons marked the spot!
There are so many fantastic details from this event: the playlist (you just can’t help but tap your feet!), SYWTBAC belt bags, avocado toast and brunch bites, custom cocktails (606 Sunrise and Wicker Park Fizz), signature yellow folders, and of course, our fantastic and accommodating venue, The Robey.
Thank you, thank you, to CGWW for such a fun Saturday! Here’s a little recap of the event, as seen through Andrew Suk‘s lens.